Lier's Orange Room Soles and Toes...
Lier is already barefoot and ready to share her amazing bare feet, soles and toes with you...
Watch as she sits on the dresser already barefoot and gazing right into your eyes...
I get some amazing top of feet shots, showing off her black toenail polish and her cute tattoos...
Lier then puts her feet together, sole to sole, in order to show how sexy her petite peds can fit together, followed quickly by her grabbing the edge of the dresser with her toes...
Lier then leans back and shows you the smooth soles of her feet, along with some sole wrinkling and some more nice top of feet close-ups...
If you like those tiny and curvy barefoot photosets, you are going to love this wonderful set from Lier, an amazing Beautiful Barefoot Girl.
Check out these sexy previews...

Lier is a fun girl to shoot... she's always quick for a joke or to make you smile... and talk about some very sexy feet... whew!
You'll be glad you did!
Talk to you soon,
Labels: Bare Feet, Bare foot, Barefeet, Barefoot, Beautiful Barefoot Girls, Cute Girls, Peds, Soles, Toe, Toes